Flagship Solutions
Our cloud-based solutions are focused on shared care and managed health programs, including outpatient and ambulatory care (chronic disease and patient condition management), shared Electronic Health Records (EHRs), repository solutions, reporting databases and other solutions. Our services support delivery of these and other innovative solutions.
Smart Health develops, implements and manages its eHealth solutions and services with Australian-based, highly experienced in-house resources.
Smart Health - an innovative choice
Smart Health Solutions is a provider of cloud-based outpatient and ambulatory care solutions that combine an extensible clinical information system with aggregated clinical data across points of care. Smart Health Solutions is an Australian company that supports cross-sector eHealth programs across Australia. Our focus is on integrated and specialised clinical information management solutions including Cancer, Renal Medicine, Infectious Diseases, Community Care and more. The solution can be accessed by all of a patient’s authorised healthcare providers, across practices and across jurisdictions.
Smart Health offers a range of off-the-shelf outpatient and ambulatory care clinical information management solutions, integrated with a nationally scalable clinical data repository that is strongly eHealth standards compliant and which interoperates with other private and public eHealth systems.
The Smart Health Clinical Information and EHR Repository solution implements the highest possible security, privacy, authentication and consent management.
Smart Health provides a range of chronic disease and other health management modules that support detailed point-of-care clinical information management. Our solution is readily extensible to support new chronic disease and health program data sets. On-line forms to capture program specific data can be developed and deployed quickly to meet new clinical information management requirements.
Smart Health specialist chronic disease and other health management modules provide detailed clinical data specific to the clinical cohort that "fill the gaps" for clinical data management of hospital EMR systems. At the same time Smart Health modules interoperate with EMR systems to ensure Smart Health data is available to all clinicians in a health service.
Smart Health’s cloud-based Electronic Health Record Repository operates from an ISO27001 secure data centre located in Australia. Smart Health's clinical information system and repository services support interfaces to other information systems and to national eHealth infrastructure services. Smart Health services support interfaces to health service and hospital patient administration systems, EMRs, clinical systems, diagnostic services and dispensing systems. Smart Health Services also support interfaces with private diagnostic services and the sending of patient clinical records to GPs and private specialists using Secure Messaging Services.
Patient Watch
Smart Health's Patient Watch solution is a community health program that reduces avoidable hospitalisations and visits to emergency departments. It is a Victorian Department of Health supported program that is operated by Monash Health, Northern Health and Grampians Health. It is focused on identifying at risk patients in the community, communicating with and supporting those patients regularly and keeping them out of hospital. The Patient Watch program is based on new paradigms of healthcare. It uses Smart Health and other innovative clinical decision assistance technologies to support its activities and is demonstrating success at improving the quality of patients’ lives and reducing the burden on tertiary healthcare services and associated costs.
Patient Watch teams play a critical role in patient care and include lay Tele-Care guides and clinically qualified Health Coaches. The team works with the patient, the patient's GP, council services, community health services and the hospital to make the patient’s healthcare experience simpler, easier and lower cost.
Smart Health provides patient-centric health records and integration with health service IT systems.
"We looked at a number of possible solutions and vendors to provide the core application for our program. We chose Smart Health as its staff are easy and flexible to deal with, while providing value for money and speed to market. We also had in mind that we needed eHealth technologies that could scale statewide and Smart Health's cloud-based architecture provides this capability." Keith Stockman, Northern Watch.
Renal Medicine
Smart Health Renal is an off-the-shelf, secure cloud-based clinical information management solution for renal medicine. It is a mature solution that supports all aspects of renal medicine.
Smart Health Renal offers the following features that differentiate it from other renal information solutions:
Proven multi-site, multi-health service deployment
Low cost service fees & simple procurement processes
Responsive development & implementation model, with customisation to meet new requirements
Direct reporting of clinical data to ANZDATA without user intervention
Smart Health Renal is a detailed, specialist point of care clinical information system that provides secure access to patient-centric clinical records by authorised clinicians at any practice, on any network, on demand.
Smart Health Renal was designed by Australian renal clinicians for use by Australian renal teams, including physicians, nurses, physiotherapists, dietitians, social workers and other allied healthcare providers. This cross-sector and cross-jurisdictional capability offers significant benefits for patient mobility, patient safety and clinical efficiency.
Smart Health Renal is continually evolving to maintain currency with Renal Medicine best practice. It has an active and enthusiastic User Group that provides input into our three-times-a-year product release program.
Multidisciplinary Team Meeting Management
Smart Health's Multidisciplinary Team Meeting Management System (MDT MMS) was developed to support integrated management and care for cancer patients in multiple tumour streams across multi-site private, public and statewide health services. It also supports multidisciplinary meetings for other clinical programs.
Our MDT MMS is the only commercially available cloud-based, multi-state cross-sector MDT MMS available in Australia. Being cloud-based, it can be deployed in any location, using standard Internet connectivity, anywhere in the world. It currently supports health services in Victoria and NSW, across a range of tumour streams. It also supports participation by regional sites, where participating clinicians are able to add patients to metropolitan hospital meetings and participate in those meetings. As part of an implementation in NSW, Smart Health support for cancer programs has been extended to include surgical interventions in cancer care, including detailed clinical data management for operations, complications, follow-ups and recurrent cancers.
Core functions include:
Integration of patient administrative and clinical data in patient-centric, longitudinal health records
Capture of diagnostic, morphology and staging data, including support for international staging schemes
Meeting management, including automated patient agendas, healthcare provider management and preparation lists for pathologists and radiologists
Patient MDT Review records, including clinical assessments, diagnoses, staging details, MDT discussions, treatment recommendations and referrals
Automated post-meeting communication for meeting attendees and referring clinicians
Automated interfaces that send patients’ MDT Reviews to hospital EMRs and to general practice and private specialist EMRs
The MDT MMS, like other Smart Health modules, includes reporting databases that contain each practice's clinical and administrative data, plus activity logs and other audit data. The reporting database includes all imported clinical records, as well as all of the clinical records created by users. All of the data in the reporting database can be queried and reported at field level.
The MDT MMS has a continuing development program, with three upgrades a year to implement new features and remain current with best practice in cancer care. A keen and enthusiastic User Group ensures continuing development of the solution.
Cystic Fibrosis
Smart Health Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a comprehensive, off-the-shelf, secure cloud-based clinical information management solution for CF. It is one of our oldest and most mature applications and includes multi-state implementation in major public hospitals.
Smart Health CF is a specialised, detailed clinical information system designed by Australian CF clinicians for use by Australian CF teams, including physicians, nurses, physiotherapists, dietitians, social workers and other allied healthcare providers.
Detailed support for CF clinical data includes:
A broad range of clinical forms for paediatric and adult patients:
Dietitian, Gastroenterologist, Nurse, Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist, Psychologist, Psychiatrist, Respiratory Physician and Social Worker Clinic notes
Paediatric Mental Health, Physician, Physiotherapist, Psychologist, Social Worker and Transplant Assessments
Action, Admission and Discharge care plans
Inpatient notes
Sweat Electrolytes
Treatment Status
MDT Meeting management and patient notes
Automated importing of lung function data, including summary and graphed views, with selectable timeframes
Automated reporting of patient data to user teams and the CF Australia Data Registry
The development of the CF clinical information system is guided by a user group that includes CF Services in multiple states.
"This system is fantastic! Thanks I really appreciate it." Clinical Services Coordinator, Australian public hospital Cystic Fibrosis Service
"Smart Health CF has been in use at the Royal Adelaide Hospital for many years. I introduced Smart Health CF to our hospital. The application suits our clinical data management requirements well and the Smart Health team is responsive to our changing needs." Dr Hugh Greville, Royal Adelaide Hospital Adult Cystic Fibrosis Service
Custom Solutions
Smart Health is continually maintaining and improving its existing clinical modules in addition to developing support for new clinical programs, with new patient cohorts and new data management requirements.