Web User Interface - Training Notes
Smart Health includes Web-based User Interfaces for the Immunology and Infectious Diseases, and Meeting and Cancer modules. The Web User Interfaces will be extended to other modules in future releases. Where possible, the Web User Interface works the same way as the Java user interface. Changes have been made to support web browsers, and to bring the look and feel up to date.
These notes will help to show you how the Web User Interface has changed from the Java-based User Interface, including things like menus, fields, tables, buttons and navigation tools.
Double clicks are not supported by web browsers. Buttons have been provided to replace double clicks.
The Cancel button in many dialogs has been replaced by an button at the top right of the dialog box.
Tool tips should be available throughout the user interface to explain the interface elements. Move your mouse over the element to see the tool tip.
Web related items, such as links to EMR viewers (e.g. MediWeb), are now in the Resources menu rather than in the Navigation Tree.
The Menu bar has been moved to the right of the main window. Some functionality has been moved elsewhere in the user interface, as explained below. Other menu items will be implemented in future versions of the Web User Interface.
Service record history is viewed by:
Clicking on Service Records in the navigation tree:
Or by selecting the Service Records button on the Patient home page:
The New Service menu has been replaced by the button at the top right of the Service Records page.
Program filters are now found at the top right of the Service Records page. Summaries for a program are shown when the program filter is selected. To select a program, simply click on the button for that program. Only one program can be selected at a time. To deselect the program, click on the button for that program again.
When a form is not being edited, empty fields are indicated by a hyphen rather than by an empty field.
Mandatory fields are indicated by ‘Required’ being displayed in the field:
When Saving a form and the form has field errors, the fields with errors are highlighted by red borders:
When editing tables, the add and remove row buttons have been replaced by a button at the top right of the table, and by a button on each row of the table.
Some tables, like the “Principal diagnoses” table in Hepatitis Assessment are edited in a separate dialog. Click the button to show the dialog and edit the entries.
Selection lists that allow multiple values display:
Selecting a new value from the list adds that value to the selected values.
Clicking the ' ' that is next to each value removes that value from the list.
If the list allows the user to enter custom values, type a value in the text box at the bottom of the list and press Enter.
Filters and other controls for table lists, like Medications and Meetings, have moved from under the list/table to the top right of the table.
Patient Alias is a special case of a selection list. If you need to add an alias for a patient's name, select Patient Details, select the Patient demographics tab and select the "Also known as" field:
To update a patient's EHR Consent date, select the Consent button on the Providers or Identifiers tab in Patient Details.
Attachments to service records can be downloaded using the button. Your browser settings will determine whether the attachment is downloaded as a file or opened in an application. Note: This may leave a file on your computer that may contain sensitive data.
Immunology and Infectious Diseases
Immunology and ID service records may have minor changes to support the Web UI.
Printing the selected service record displays a PDF document. The PDF document can be printed by selecting the print icon (which varies in different browsers). The PDF document can be saved as a file by selecting the download icon (which also varies in different browsers). Note: Saving the PDF document leaves a file on your computer, which may contain sensitive data.
Multidisciplinary Team Meeting Management System and Cancer
When adding a patient to a meeting, the Search Patient function does not return patients who are already on the agenda for that meeting.
The Cancel button in most dialogs has been replaced by an button at the top right of the dialog box.
When editing tables, the add and remove row buttons have been replaced by a button at the top right of the table, and by a button on each row of the table.